Steve Vaught was 40 several years ago and weighed 180 kgs.He grew up in Youngstown, the city of Ohio. He had a terrible stepfather and tough school days. Once he was in a car accident in which two people died. The accident sent Vaught into years of depression and overeating. He took a job in a car repair workshop in California, married and had two children. And he started gaining lot of weight. Eventually, he became 180 kgs, and he realised he would die if he carried on like this.He used to feel very breathless while walking. Doctors advised him to lose weight but He was unable to do so. One fine day when He was feeling sick and breathless, He suddenly took a determination to shed his excess weight.
So then his journey began of losing weight. He started walking from California West Coast of America to New York East Coast. He trekked over innumerable mountains and cities and reached New York. He travelled slowly, staying in cheap hotels or camping by the roadside. Vaught lost about 114lb. He believes his victory has been over his mindset, not his body shape. After years, he has come off anti-depressants and is happy again.He became a celebrity, was interviewed on Television and many people got inspired by him.
Vaught was flooded with commercial offers. One company wanted him to market a weight-loss pill in a deal that could have fetched him $5m. He turned it down because he was a man of integrity and didn’t want to promote a quick-fix pill.