For many of us, life just goes on as an ordeal. Day in day out we live life more as a routine which makes us feel dull and bored. To add to this, if we face challenges then that’s the end of it. We get lost and just don’t know how to come out of it. We get entangled in it like a cocoon and feel like running away from the particular situation. The first thing we do is start playing the blaming game and put the accusation on everyone else and everything else including our destiny.
But the important point here is that problems are a part of life. They are inherent to our lives and are bound to come. Life without problems will be dull and boring. The following points will help you while you are facing problems:
Be ready to face it and don’t get deterred by it.
Be positive that this phase in life too shall pass. Winter always turns into spring.
Do prayers and surrender yourself to God. Tell God to help you find a solution for it.
Try hard to find a solution for it.
Take action to do something about it.
Take a look at others-You will find that everyone around you is facing some problem or other in life.
Instead of comparing yourself with people who are better off than you, compare with people whose situation is worse than you and you will feel much better.
Have gratitude for everything that you have in life and keep saying ‘Thank you God’ for your blessings. An attitude of gratitude will make you feel powerful and strong.
Have courage and hope that you will turn around this situation and become victorious.
My story- I have faced multiple challenges in life and earlier I used to feel low and depressed whenever they used to arise. I used to go into a state of victimhood and feel ‘Why Me’?. But later I evolved a lot and now when problems come, I have the attitude of saying to the problems-‘Try me’.
What brought about such a transformation in me? My positive thinking and hope that everything is going to be alright.
Be positive friends and be winners in life.