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  • 2 min read

Friends, in my first book “Empower Yourself” I have written a chapter on “Do prayers everyday”.
The significance of how prayer can help you cannot be underestimated. I have enumerated some points below to emphasize the importance of prayer.

1)Purpose of prayer:- Why do we pray? By praying we are surrendering ourselves to the Higher Conciousness. By praying we get hope for living. All of us face innumerable challenges in life and sometimes feel defeated by them. We feel we cannot further carry on in life. But at such a time it’s prayer which will help us sail through the storms of life.

2) How to pray? Praying doesn’t become equal to begging.” I don’t have a job so God give me a job”. Also some people while doing prayers trade with God. “If I get a job I will do archana in temple”. Prayers must be selfless and without expectation.

3)Prayers make us strong from within. Prayers give us strength and courage to face battles of life.
I reemphasize that prayers give us hope and hope gives us encouragement and happiness to live our lives to the fullest.

4)Do prayers together as a family- It is said that a family which prays together stays together.

5)Do prayers with an Attitude of Gratitude – Gratitude helps in feeling strong and powerful from within. Instread of grumbling and complaining to God we must pray with gratitude that I have so much which millions don’t have.

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